This Magical Universe

This Magical Universe

2022 was a year of reflection, a year of lessons and deep emotional exploration. A year of nursing old wounds in ways I didn’t understand before. A year of everything...
Scorpio Eclipse

Scorpio Eclipse

We are in a season of transition and we are being eclipsed. Transformation is on the horizon as we practice stillness in this shadow. Let us surrender in the knowledge that death and destruction are an inevitable part of creation and life. #solareclipse #eclipse
Woman with open arms and exposed heart in a turquoise dress before a full moon bursting with life and lions and wild cats and purple and black and blue cosmic galactic background

Letting Go Of All That Old Sh*t

Well, that was a little bit more intense than I had anticipated. Just in the midst of still letting go of all that old shit I already let go of. It's...
Roaring jaguar with mouth wide open with flowers of all colors spilling out with a skull and agave behind it and a blue butterfly on its nose

The Alchemy of Anger

The Alchemy of Anger. To transform my fear and anger into passion and compassion for others and for myself.

June 16, 2021 — Lori Menna